Lessons Include:
01: Word, Text Selection and Mini Toolbar
02: Word, create a template
03: Word, wordart and text effects
04: Word, apply document themes
05: Word, intro to styles
06: Word, text styles
07: Word, modifying a table
08: Word, inserting images
09: Word, smartart
10: Excel, The Quick Access Toolbar
11: Excel, Use Proofing and Research Tools
12: Excel, Cell Data and Data Types
13: Excel, create and modify tables
14: Excel, manipulating table data
15: Excel, sorting data
16: Excel, filtering data
17: Excel, modifying and formatting charts
18: Excel, Page Layout
19: Excel, Data Tables
20: Excel, Goal Seek
21: Excel, New Charts and Image Options
22: PowerPoint, Arranging Slides
23: PowerPoint, Edit Pictures
24: PowerPoint, Animate Objects
25: PowerPoint, Customize Animations
26: PowerPoint, Animation with a Bookmark
27: PowerPoint, SmartArt
28: PowerPoint, Insert Images
29: PowerPoint, Picture Styles
30: OneNote, Intro to OneNote
31: OneNote, Outlook and Word Integration
32: OneNote, Sharing Notebooks
33: OneDrive, Cloud Sharing History
34: Outlook, Automatic Message Content
35: Outlook, Track Messages
36: Outlook, Recall and Resend
37: Outlook, Folders
38: Outlook, Scheduling Meetings, Part 1
39: Outlook, Scheduling Meetings, Part 2
40: Outlook, Modify Message Options
41: Outlook, Advanced Calendar Options
42: Outlook, Using Automatic Replies
43: Outlook, Assign and Manage Tasks