December 6, 2024
Instructor : Michael Gerber, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Chip Reaves
Learn To Avoid Another Being A Failure – And The Critical Keys To Achieving Success
In America, the Land of Opportunity, businesses have a 90% failure rate. Why is it that 9 of every ten businesses fail? This is your chance to pick the brains of some of the greatest entrepreneurial minds in America and gain the powerful knowledge you need to avoid the common pitfalls, traps, and mistaken ideas that cause most business failures, and learn the critical keys to success that can put your business growth in fast forward.
In this Premium course you’ll learn from industry experts Michael Gerber, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, and Chip Reaves and hear their best advice on how to be a successful Entrepreneur or Intrapreneur. This course includes downloadable MP3 audio files, an E-Book, and an Action Guide containing activities and exercises based on each course. Almost 6 hours of content!
Objectives – You will be able to: