TOIT Training

Achieving Big Success

Achieving Big Success
  • Overview
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Dr. Rebecca Heiss, a stress psychologist, author, and keynote speaker, will teach you how to identify and disrupt the imposter thoughts and negative thought patterns that hold you back so you can replace them with a new set of ideas and behaviors that strengthen your confidence and build success.  

You’ll learn how to identify key fears and types of failures and how to reframe negative experiences. Next, you’ll learn how to develop habits and systems that will assist you in task management and goal accomplishment.  

Rebecca will discuss how you already have all the tools you need to fear less and explain specific techniques you can use for modifying negative thinking patterns holding you back. You’ll also learn how positive affirmations can improve both your physical and your psychological well-being and help you work to Achieve Big Success! 

  • 5 Sections
  • 30m Duration
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Continually Building Confidence

Overcoming Fear of Failure

Developing Habits and Systems

Attracting and Manifesting Positivity

Operating in Power


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Course Includes

  • Describing 5 types of imposter thoughts 
  • Contrasting the winner effect with the loser effect 
  • Explaining the importance of identifying key fears 
  • Listing the steps in the T-minus-3 technique 
  • Learning to reframe experiences 
  • Identifying the three types of failure and the impact of each 
  • Distinguishing between a process goal and an outcome goal 
  • Applying techniques such as the OHIO principle or the Pomodoro technique to your daily routine 
  • Identifying ways to highlight your accomplishments to yourself and others 
  • Identifying how neural pathways can be redirected 
  • Listing ways to modify thinking patterns  
  • Using power poses to decrease fear and reinforce positivity 

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Achieving Big Success
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