TOIT Training

PM Leadership: Building a Communications Management Plan that Works

PM Leadership: Building a Communications Management Plan that Works
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Good leadership includes good communication skills but those skills have to be learned and then planned for. Whether you are a great communicator or you find yourself with misunderstandings across a team dynamic this course can help direct you to building a plan that works for your individual stakeholders and team members. Aspects of this course will help you identify communication styles so you can effectively communicate and finally put together a plan that works.

2 Professional Development Units (PDU)

  • 5 Sections
  • 2h Duration
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Plan Communications Management

Analyzing Requirements

Communication Style

Virtual Communication

Building a Communication Plan


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Course Includes

  • Determining stakeholder communication requirements
  • How organizational dynamics can affect communication
  • People versus process
  • Communication styles
  • Developing a comprehensive communications management plan

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PM Leadership: Building a Communications Management Plan that Works
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