- React Children
- Props spreading
- Compound components
- Initialize animation in a React project
- Apply animations to React elements
- Set initial animation states
- API Key Acquisition
- Base Styling Application
- React Component Creation
- React Rendering and Props
- Understand "Controlled" Components
- Character Counter Implementation
- Scaffolding React Components
- Square Component Development
- Destructuring Props in React
- Set up React skeleton screens
- Fetch data for dynamic content
- Build a base skeleton component
- ES6 classes review
- State in class components
- State
- Define static site generators
- Utilize Gatsby starter sites
- Create pages and routing in Gatsby
- What are SPAs?
- Basic router setup
- Route
- Why to use styled components
- Setup & syntax
- Styling through props
- Set up project environment
- Use JSON Server for development
- Create custom hooks for game logic